Chaudhary VB, Berhe AA (2020) Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab. PLoS Comput Biol 16(10): e1008210. DOI
Debate about racial inequities in the Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has marked the year 2020. Hopefully, positive and constructive things will emerge from this year and will allow to improve the situation of BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) scholars. Because not being racist is clearly not enough, antiracist actions and policies should be put in place. A good start can be now and here (in the lab). By focusing on clear and simple points, this article can be of great help for a start in the right direction. Here, are the Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab:
- Rule 1: Lead informed discussions about antiracism in your lab regularly
- Rule 2. Address racism in your lab and field safety guidelines
- Rule 3: Publish papers and write grants with BIPOC colleagues
- Rule 4: Evaluate your lab’s mentoring practices
- Rule 5: Amplify voices of BIPOC scientists in your field
- Rule 6: Support BIPOC in their efforts to organize
- Rule 7: Intentionally recruit BIPOC students and staff
- Rule 8: Adopt a dynamic research agenda
- Rule 9: Advocate for racially diverse leadership in science
- Rule 10: Hold the powerful accountable and don’t expect gratitude
For each rule, the authors explain what it means and how to apply it in a plain language that makes it easier for non-specialists to understand.